Friday, February 20, 2009

Unique Fasting Formula Helps You Lose Weight Effortlessly!

For years experts have taught us that fasting is bad for weight loss, because fasting takes our body into the 'starvation mode' and when our body is in starvation mode, it slows down the fat burning process by lowering our metabolic rate.

While it is true that long periods of fasting do more harm than good to our body, a recent study has found out that people who went on intermittent fasting were not only successful in losing weight but also in improving their overall health! If that sounds too good to be true, read this article to find out exactly how intermittent fasting could help you get rid of fat!

When the results of this study came out, it fuelled a lot of controversy and head turning. At first many people thought that this is just another fad diet which would make people unhealthier. However, further research has proven that the intermittent fasting diet not only makes us stress-free but also keeps our body away from harmful maladies by improving our immune system. It was also found out that people who followed this diet to lose weight tended to live longer than others. But there is more to be said about it!

The kind of fasting you do under this diet is a far cry from the crash dieting method many of us are familiar with. With crash dieting, you would be virtually starving for days on end, living off merely on a bite of carrot or a glass of fruit juice. With the intermittent fasting diet, you get to eat to your heart's content for one day (I mean, you can eat whatever you like), and then starve the very next day, consuming nothing except plain water!

As you can see, the fasting conditions set by this diet program are so lenient that I am sure anyone would have success with it! I don't know about you, but if someone lets me eat all of my favorite junk foods on the condition that I have to fast on the next day, I would gladly take up on the offer!

It is a fact that our body is actually designed to follow this eating routine right from the primitive age. In primitive times, when the staple food for humans was hunted animals, the availability of food was

quite unpredictable. On one day, you might be able to hunt down a large animal and have your fill; but if you were unable to hunt another animal on the next day, you would have nothing to eat on that day!

Back then, food supply used to be scarce and as such, eating full on one day and going hungry on the next was the norm! Now, when those people used to fast, their bodies would use the stored fat inside for sustaining itself.

This explains why your body helps you lose weight when you fast intermittently!

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