Thursday, April 30, 2009

2 Things A Woman Needs to Burn Fat Fast!

Only 2 Things A Woman Needs to Burn Fat Fast!

Are you a woman who is very desperate to lose weight fast? Then I am sure you have fallen for those bold weight loss ads which get published in women's magazines one time or other. These ads make you believe that you would lose weight in just a week or two with the recommended diet programs. Fact is you would lose only your time and oney instead of weight.

These ads are very well-tuned to a certain demographic. Usually educated women belonging to middle and upper classes who want to lose weight fast with the least effort on their part. There are many women, young and old, who are very desperate to lose all the extra pounds as fast as they could.

Naturally, any diet program which claims to fulfill their desire would attract them. What they don't know is that such diets are good only for a few days. You would be losing weight rapidly for the first few days after which, it would be an upward trend, aka weight gain. Plus if you ever thought that popular celebrities recommending these diet plans actually use them, you are wrong again. Keep in mind that since celebs are paid big bucks to endorse certain products, they do it. However, they know it very well that since their career prospects depend on their physical fitness, such diets are of no use to them.

While I cannot say that the diet they personally use is one of the best, they definitely don't follow such unhealthy fad diets which work only for the first few days. They have personal fitness trainers and nutritionists constantly at their beck and call; as such, they probably know their stuff much better than you do.

Nevertheless, weight loss needn't be expensive and complicated. If you don't have big bucks to spend on your fitness like your favorite celebs do, don't worry. Weight loss is pretty simple. I did not say easy. I said simple.

To lose weight, we need to monitor two things. What you eat, how much you eat, and at what time: It is obvious that you cannot expect to lose weight while eating junk foods; as such, junk foods have to go. You should start munching on fresh fruits and vegetables instead of chips and cookies.

Eating healthy foods is not just enough; you also need to monitor the amount of food you are eating per day. Eating too much of healthy foods can also prove to be unhealthy for you! You just need to eat enough, and then stop eating.

Next, is how much you exercise, and how often. Exercising is very important for weight loss; anyone who told you anything on the contrary has most probably lied to you. No matter how much you monitor your food intake, some extra calories would still find their way into your body.

The only way to burn these extra calories is by working out regularly in the gym. Besides burning calories and fat, workouts also help you build strong lean muscle mass, which in turn help you burn even more fat and at a faster rate. Now in my case the gym is twenty (20) miles away, in on the far side of the city, from our home. So for me Walking up and down our road is our major exercise.

How long you exercise is very important too. You should neither exercise for too short or long a time. You can honestly get away with just thirty (30) minutes of exercise per day if you do it daily. It is neither healthy nor recommend to exercise for several hours at a stretch per day; such a workout regimen puts too much unnecessary strain on your body and make you tired. I should have shared this prior. You must consult your family doctor prior to and after starting any program.

Okay, if the gym scares you, there are other easier and more enjoyable ways to burn the fat. How does the prospect of daily walking, running or swimming sound to you? How about dancing, or playing basketball or tennis? Any of these activities would help you burn fat.

Well, ladies, this was a very brief article and a couple pointers to help you start losing that weight. I trust it has helped. My wife is not a big fan of diet and/or exercise. Now if she can do this you can do this. Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Sureshot Approach to Quick Weight Loss for Teenagers

The Sureshot Approach to Quick Weight Loss for Teenagers

Teenage obesity is fast becoming a 'growing' menace (pun intended)! One reason behind it is that it is very difficult to handle and control the lifestyle habits of teenagers. Teenagers always try to live life on their own terms since they believe that they are mature enough to take all important decisions of their lives. Still, there are a number of ways you can make sure that your teenage kid is always fit and slim.

Have you ever taught the difference of healthy and unhealthy foods to your kids? Have you ever taught your kids how to identity those two types of foods? Have you ever offered him home cooked meals? Have you ever prevented him from eating junk foods from outside, or watching television for hours?

If your answer to all these questions is "no", I regret to say that you have not really been a good parent. But you are not the only one of a kind. Most parents make their kids eat junk foods because they are not only a cheaper alternative to home cooked meals but also save them time. Most parents would prefer watching television or gossiping rather than cooking meals at home.

If a kid is not made to taste healthy foods right from the beginning, if he is never taught to identify good and bad foods, it is only natural that he would continue with the unhealthy habits of his childhood right into adolescence and beyond! If one has never eaten anything except junk foods as a child, it is not unnatural that he would develop a certain kind of distaste towards organic foods as he grows older. These unhealthy eating habits are one of the primary reasons behind teenage obesity.

Changing is a teenager's eating habit is a lot more harder than changing the food habits of a little kid. The only way you can change your kid's eating habit is by changing your food choices first. When you become proactive at weight loss and fitness, your teenage kids would follow suit! What you should be eating is something I would discuss at the end of this article.

Another reason behind obesity is the influence of television. Television not only makes a teenager idle but also influences his mind with those attractive ads on junk and fatty foods. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your kids don't watch television for a long time period.

You should encourage them to indulge in outdoor sports or at least take a walk outside.

As a parent, you should neither allow your kids to buy junk foods nor bring them yourself at home. When junk foods are available just right at the corner, neither you nor your kids would be able to resist the temptation. For goodness' sake, it is best to throw junk foods out of your home.

Your kitchen and refrigerator should be stocked only with organic foods; that way, you can make sure the whole family eats them more often than junk foods. Eating organic foods is one of the best ways to keep your calorie consumption low. This, coupled with a little physical activity, would do good both to you and your adolescent kids!

As for a diet program, you really don't need one, but if you want to follow a good diet, take a look at the "Strip That Fat" program. This is a new kind of diet devoid of the stupid food restrictions of the fad diets. When you start following it, you won't feel like you are dieting.

With Strip That Fat program, you are not forced to eat only one or other food; you can make your own meal plans based on your food choices. Strip That Fat comes with a diet generator tool as well that would build customized meal plans for you on the go!

Remember that as parents, we have the choice to teach healthy or unhealthy lifestyle habits to our kids. However, you need to teach your kids, especially teenagers, through action instead of mere words of wisdom. When you start losing weight as a result of following a healthy lifestyle, your kids would do the same. This is really a great way to fight teenage obesity!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The One Reason for Teenage Obesity and 4 Ways to Control It

The One Reason for Teenage Obesity and 4 Ways to Control It

Want to know who is responsible behind teenage obesity? It is our 'gizmo age'! Yep, we are so much focused on gadgets and gizmos that we are becoming lazier by the day! We have computers and robots to perform many of our manual chores.

Consequently, we are living a sedentary lifestyle and gaining weight as a result! Today, more children spend time watching video games and surfing the internet than even a decade ago. As we become more and more advanced technologically, the situation is only going to get worse in the following years!

Today, kids would rather play video games than baseball or tennis. If they become obese, who is to blame for it? Blame yourself before blaming your kids! After all, as a parent, isn't it your responsibility to look to it that your kids follow healthy habits at all times? Wasn't it you who, consciously or unconsciously, taught your kids the same poor lifestyle habits that you follow? If you keep watching television and munching on chips without a break, how could you expect your teenage kids to do any different?

Television is actually one of our biggest enemies! Today, a bulk of TV ads consist of attractive ads on chips, pizzas, cookies soft drinks, etc., all of being rich in empty calories and responsible for the growing trend of obesity. Allow your kid to watch television for too long, and see him adopt unhealthy lifestyle habits and become overweight!

Overeating is also one of the leading causes behind obesity. Adults often eat more than they should, and their kids follow suit!

Another reason is the poor curriculum followed by most schools these days, which focus more on bookish education and less on physical activities and sports. Under such circumstances, kids would naturally become obese!

So what is the solution?

The solution is to go back to our roots by following the lifestyle habits of our forefathers. You see, there is a reason why our forefathers hardly had to deal with the menace of obesity – unlike us, they didn't eat junk foods, sat on the couch the entire day, stuck their noses onto the computer or television screen, or shunned sports like today's kids do!

Here are some of the things that can be done to prevent teenage obesity:

1) Never put your kids on a strict diet, as that would do more harm than good! If your kid is currently eating junk and fast foods, discourage him from doing so and start feeding him with home-cooked meals!

2) It is also important that you, as a parent, follow the same healthy habits you want your kids to follow. For example, if you want your kids to give preference to home-cooked meals over junk foods, you need to do that yourself. If you want your kids to participate in outdoor sports then you should participate in those sports yourself! If you want your kids to stop watching television for too long, you need to get rid of that habit as well!

Remember that a kid follows his parents' footsteps and considers them his role models. The way you lead life would influence the lifestyle of your kid!

3) Engage your kids in household chores such as cleaning your house, looking after your garden, etc.

4) If the eating habits of your kid changes drastically all of a sudden, in that he eats more junk than healthy foods, there maybe more to it than meets your eyes! Has the kid stopped participating in the normal activities he used to take interest in? Has he become calmer and quieter than usual?

Many kids and teenagers eat junk foods out of depression or other similar psychological troubles. If your kid is eating because of emotional reasons, it is time to take him to a professional psychiatrist for counseling!

I hope these measures would prove adequate to keep your kids fit and healthy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

$ale Sale

This will not last very long, before I will need to end the $ale Please get Yours